The intelligent use of data – drives almost every marketing decision we make:
- • delivering deep and rich customer insight to inform our marketing strategies;
- • helping us track, analyse and measure the effectiveness of our campaigns; and
- • equipping us to adapt and refine our content, messaging and media in line with ever-changing customer expectation in real time.
Unfortunately, whilst so-called ‘big data’ is creating unprecedented business development opportunities for firms who are able to harness it effectively… most can’t. In fact, 42% of marketers said that their company’s marketing relies more on intuition than data (Dun and Bradsteet, 2019). The problem is: there’s simply ‘too much data about’.
In 2020 global Internet traffic reached 161.3 Exabytes per month up from 53.2 Exabytes in 2015 (according to Cisco, 2020). In fact, in 2020, the gigabyte equivalent of all movies ever made crosses the internet every 2 minutes! But: since much of the data we have at our disposal is unstructured – derived from user-generated content such as blogs, Facebook posts, comments on news sites, emails etc. – it simply cannot be stored, analysed or applied using traditional tools (such as spreadsheets and databases).
Our data-marketing specialists will help transform your unstructured data into valuable business intelligence – creating a platform for you to:
- • quantify, segment and develop your current customer-base;
- • resurrect and reanimate lapsed accounts;
- • identify new prospects, sectors and markets; and
- • optimise brand loyalty
– through laser-targeted content and communications.
Versio can help shine a light on your existing data – segmenting your customers and prospects based on their locations and lifestyles, aspirations and interests; on their preferred communications channels; and – most importantly – on their value to your business.
We’ll enhance your data too – plugging any information gaps with, for example, geo-demographic and psychographic data, to help you build a more complete picture of your existing markets, and suggest new target sectors and segments.
We’ll work with you to configure, customise and deploy our proven suite of marketing automation tools — to support your lead generation and communications planning — ensuring all campaigns and plans are data-driven, effectively segmenting your prospects and customers, tracking customer interactions across multiple channels, automating response, analysing results, optimising the effectiveness of every campaign.
As a company, we are able to draw on more than three decades’ data marketing expertise. And we pride ourselves on delivering measurable value and results for our clients – in so doing building trust, respect and mutually beneficial relationships for the long term.
So, whether you’re looking for a little help with ‘crunching the numbers’ – or you’re ready to take your lead generation and communications strategies to ‘the next level’ – perhaps we should have a chat?